What is a const function in Unreal Engine?

What is a const function in Unreal Engine?


In Unreal Engine, functions are used to encapsulate blocks of code that perform specific tasks. One type of function that developers often use is the const function. In this article, we will explore what a const function is, why it’s important in Unreal Engine, and how to use it effectively in your projects.

What is a Const Function in Unreal Engine?

A const function in Unreal Engine is a function that cannot be modified after it has been declared. This means that once a const function has been defined, its contents cannot be changed. Instead, the function must remain unchanged for the lifetime of the program.

Const functions are often used to encapsulate data that does not need to be modified during runtime. For example, you might define a const function that stores the size of an array or a struct that holds important game settings. By defining these values as constants, you can ensure that they remain unchanged throughout the program’s execution, which can help prevent bugs and improve performance.

Why is a Const Function Important in Unreal Engine?

There are several reasons why const functions are important in Unreal Engine:

  • Safety: By defining certain values as constants, you can ensure that they remain unchanged throughout the program’s execution. This can help prevent bugs and other issues that might arise if a variable is modified in unexpected ways.

  • Performance: Because const functions cannot be modified after they have been defined, they are often faster to execute than non-const functions. This is because the compiler knows that the function’s contents will remain unchanged, which allows it to optimize the code more effectively.

  • Reusability: Const functions can be called from other parts of your program without worrying about their contents being modified. This makes them a valuable tool for building reusable code that can be easily adapted for different projects.

How to Define a Const Function in Unreal Engine

To define a const function in Unreal Engine, you simply need to add the “const” keyword before the function name in your code. For example:

struct MyStruct {
int Size;
static const int MAX_SIZE = 100;

In this example, we define a struct called "MyStruct" that has an integer field called "Size". We also define a constant integer variable called "MAX_SIZE", which is set to 100. This means that the value of "MAX_SIZE" will remain unchanged throughout the program’s execution.

Using Const Functions in Unreal Engine

Now that we understand what const functions are and why they’re important, let’s take a look at some examples of how to use them effectively in your projects:

  • Storing Game Settings: One common use case for const functions is storing game settings that do not need to be modified during runtime. For example, you might define a const function called “GetGravity” that returns the current gravity value set by the player:

  • csharp
    float GetGravity() {
    return GravitySetting;

  • Encapsulating Data: Another common use case for const functions is encapsulating data that does not need to be modified during runtime. For example, you might define a const function called “GetArraySize” that returns the size of an array:

  • csharp
    const int ArraySize = 10;
    int GetArraySize() {
    return ArraySize;
